Post-Concussion Physiotherapy
What To Expect
Your first visit will include a comprehensive evaluation of vestibular function using specialized infrared videonystagmography (VNG) goggles to investigate how your inner ear and balance systems may be contributing to your symptoms. Also, a computerized balance assessment may be done to determine your fall risk and how your balance senses are working together. An individualized in-clinic and home program will be provided and progressed to assist your recovery.
Are you experiencing dizziness, vertigo, motion sensitivity, disorientation, blurred vision when you move?
We offer comprehensive assessment and treatment for conditions affecting your
vestibular function
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
Vestibular Hypofunction
Balance Disorders
Concussion/Post-Concussion Syndrome
Convergence insufficiency
Motion Sensitivity
Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD)
Vestibular Migraine
Meet Kim
Kim Weber
MSc (Clinical Neurosciences), BSc(PT)
Kim has over 25 years of experience with the Physical Therapy practice of Vestibular Rehabilitation, with advanced certification from Emory University.
Her journey began when she opened the first private practice vestibular rehabilitation therapy available in Calgary. This practice then expanded within the Panther Sports Medicine clinics. With an interest to develop vestibular rehabilitation as an emerging area of physiotherapy, Kim pursued graduate studies and collaborative research at the University of Calgary, leading to an M.SC. and numerous published clinical papers (View Full Resume).
Kim has taught vestibular rehabilitation courses and was the clinical director for the Neurovestibular program at the South Health Campus for it’s first 3 years.
She has maintained the private practice and mentored other physios as this area of therapy grew.
Kim is listed as a registered vestibular physiotherapist on balanceanddizziness.org
Conveniently Located
All your appointments will take place at our soothing office environment inside the Southcentre Health & Wellness clinic. SCHW is located inside on the south side of the Southcentre Shopping Mall. SCHW can be accessed through the South entrance (between Sportchek and Crate&Barrel), and down the escalator to the first floor.
Southcentre Health and Wellness
100 Anderson Rd SE #120, Calgary, AB T2J 3V1
Tel: 403 271-1081
Fax: 403 271-4913
Email: southcentrehw@shaw.ca